Campagne de Sensibilisation sur le Cancer de la Prostate - CASPRO 2017
Date: 6-10 November 2017 - Venue: Hôtel Dieu de France CASPRO is an annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign initiated by the Hematology-Oncology and Urology departments at Hôtel-Dieu de France Hospital, to encourage men at risk to screen for the disease. The campaign also aims to educate men on prostate cancer and its treatment options for all stages of the disease. |
Lebanese International Fertility Summit 2017 - LIFE 2017
Date: 6-7 October 2017 - Venue: Monroe Hotel, Beirut LIFE is the annual congress of the Lebanese Fertility Society. This congress has achieved a great success for the past 3 years and gathers more than 300 participants each year. Distinguished international speakers along with local guest speakers animate the discussions and share their expertise in the field, making every session a scientific hit. The audience is multidisciplinary, including gynecologists, urologists, endocrinologists and healthcare professionals specialized in Fertility. |
Journée Annuelle de Neuro-Oncologie 2017- JANO 2017
Date: Saturday 23 September 2017 - Venue: Saint Joseph University Journée Anuelle de Neuro-Oncologie 2017 ( JANO 2017) is an event gathering oncologists, neurologists, neuro-surgeons, pathologists, and radiotherapists for optimizing multidisciplinary patient management. The diseases encountered in the field of neuro-oncology are rapidly growing and our understanding and diagnosis technology are evolving. It is a field concerned with scientific developments and clinical applications related to neuroscience, neuropsychology and oncology including cancers that directly affect the central nervous system. |
Forum de Recherche en Oncologie Clinique 2017 - FRON 2017
Date: Saturday 16 September 2017 - Venue: Saint Joseph University Le FRON est un évènement annuel, organisé par le département d’Hématologie-Oncologie de l’Hôtel Dieu de France, sous la direction de la Faculté de Médecine de l’Université Saint Joseph (USJ) – Beyrouth. Son objectif est d'inciter les étudiants à entreprendre des travaux de recherche continus et de les encourager à les publier |
8ème Congrès Annuel de l’Association Médicale Franco-Libanaise
Date: 14-15 Juillet 2017 - Venue: Campus de l’Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA) Le 8ème Congrès Annuel de l’Association Médicale Franco-Libanaise est organisé par la Clinique du Levant et l’Association Médicale Franco-Libanaise (AMFL), sous le Haut Patronage de Son Excellence Le Président de la République Libanaise, Le General Michel Aoun, en collaboration avec les Ordres des Médecins du Liban et du Liban-Nord, et en Partenariat avec l’Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA). Ce congrès qui représente désormais un rendez-vous annuel de la médecine francophone au Liban, et regroupe une audience multidisciplinaire pour discuter des derniers avancements de la médecine dans plusieurs domaines et constituera une occasion unique d’échanges scientifiques |
First Bekaa Multidisciplinary Oncology Meeting
Date: 8 Juillet 2017 - Venue: Chtaura Park Hotel, Zahle The first Bekaa Oncology Multidisciplinary Meeting is an annual event to be held in Bekaa region, organized by Khoury General Hospital for the first time this year, aiming to gather a multidisciplinary audience in a quest to exchange latest updates in the fields of oncology, urology, gastroenterology, surgery and gynecology. Join us to discuss with key experts state-of-the-art treatment modalities and hottest topics in these fields. |
Patient Assistance & Care Excellence Congress 2017 - PACE 2017
Date: 27 May 2017 - Venue: Notre Dame des Secours University Medical Center The Psychology Unit at Notre Dame des Secours University Hospital (CHU-NDS) in collaboration with the Anesthesiology Department has the pleasure to announce the Patient Assistance & Care Excellence Congress (PACE 2017) entitled ‘’Pain Management: Treatment and Care‘’. PACE 2017 will highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary team for hospitalized patients and will address the key role of patients’ support in the management of pain. |
abc Oncology Educational Courses 2017 - Gastrointestinal Cancers Session
Date: 26 May 2017 - Venue: Hammoud Hospital University Medical Center The abc Oncology educational course represents a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals (medical doctors, fellows, pharmacists and nurses) to discuss in depth with oncology experts cancer optimal care. It also focuses on the daily challenges that oncology practitioners face in providing cancer therapy. This course is conducted by the Hematology-Oncology Department at Hammoud Hospital University Medical Center. |
11ème Cours Intensif d'Oncologie Clinique - CIOC
Date: 20 Mai 2017 - Venue: Raddison Blu, Ain El Mraysseh “Cours Intensif d’Oncologie Clinique” (CIOC) represents an opportunity for oncology nurses to discuss in depth with keynotes oncologists their daily challenges in cancer patients’ care. It is an annual intensive course tailored by the Cancer Research Group for the past 10 years to aid in oncology nurses’ education. CIOC focuses on the latest advances in treatment and on the challenges faced by Oncology nurses brought by the diversity and complexity of cancer patient care. |
abc Oncology Educational Courses 2017 - Breast Cancer Session
Date: 19 May 2017 - Venue: Hammoud Hospital University Medical Center The abc Oncology educational course represents a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals (medical doctors, fellows, pharmacists and nurses) to discuss in depth with oncology experts cancer optimal care. It also focuses on the daily challenges that oncology practitioners face in providing cancer therapy. This course is conducted by the Hematology-Oncology Department at Hammoud Hospital University Medical Center. |
Conférences Débat du Département d'Hématologie-Oncologie de l'HDF
“Conférence-Débat” is a series of conferences organized every two months by the Department of Hematology-Oncology at Hotel Dieu de France University Hospital. The main objective of these conferences is to discuss the latest and the key debatable topics in cancer treatment and patients’ management |