Thank you for your interest in submitting a poster for FRON 2016 !!!
The following poster presenter guide was designed to provide information and guidance for developing quality poster (abstract presentations) at the FRON.
Submission, Registration
The presenting author is required to register and send the poster picture “JPEG format” by July 31st, 2017 on Author is informed by mail of poster acceptance by August 31st, 2017.
The following poster presenter guide was designed to provide information and guidance for developing quality poster (abstract presentations) at the FRON.
Submission, Registration
The presenting author is required to register and send the poster picture “JPEG format” by July 31st, 2017 on Author is informed by mail of poster acceptance by August 31st, 2017.
Primary/presenting Authors
It is the Presenting Author's responsibility to inform coauthors that the poster has been accepted. Only the primary/presenting author or a listed coauthor should present the Poster. Advance notice of any change of presenter is required for proper acknowledgment.
It is the Presenting Author's responsibility to inform coauthors that the poster has been accepted. Only the primary/presenting author or a listed coauthor should present the Poster. Advance notice of any change of presenter is required for proper acknowledgment.
Display Diagram
- Dimensions and attachment: A1 size in portrait format. We will provide materials for attaching posters.
- Font required: Verdana
- Font sizes requirements:
- The title should be capitalized and bold with lettering 45 points at least and up to 72 points.
- Authors should be regular and affiliations regular italic with lettering 24 points.
- Text titles should be capitalized and bold with lettering 43 points.
- Text should be regular with lettering 20 points.
- Be careful in your use of colors, some people are red-green colorblind and some colors do not stand out in contrast to others.
- A sign with your poster number will be offered. It should be stickered in the upper right-hand corner of your board.
Poster Presentation
- Plan to give short informal presentations as clusters of attendees gather near your display. At times you may want to give a brief overview, answer questions, etc.
Content: Information
should be well organized and concisely presented. Your poster could include the
following sections:
- Title:
short and informative.
- Abstract: should
be informative. The aim is to put your work into context.
- Materials
and Methods: these have to be short but remember to include them without
incomprehensible acronyms etc. Others want to know clearly what you are doing
and they might want to use some of the same materials or methods.
- Results:
you are very limited in what you present. Choose the material which best
explains what you have found and which can be logically developed, do not put
in too much information).
- Discussion/
Conclusions: have your results provided an answer to the questions that you
originally posed? If not, are there alternative answers?
- A Poster presents
content using charts, graphs, illustrations, and/or photographs as
printed/mounted visuals.
- Make sure that your
material is presented in a logical and clear sequence so that people can read
it and understand it. If you wish, you can provide the audience with copies of
the poster reduced in size.
- Presenters are responsible
for assembling and dismantling their posters in a timely fashion at the
beginning and at the end of the event.
For further information please contact:
SciencePRO s.a.r.l. Tel: +961 4 723099; Mob: +961 71 208822 email: |