منذ عام وبعد ثبات طويل دام ثلاث سنوات، اعدنا إطلاق المؤتمر السنوي للجمعية اللبنانية للخصوبة وكان شعارنا انذاك طير الفينيق رمز الإصرار على الحياة والنهوض من الكبوات لنعود ويعود بلدنا للتحليق من جديد. أما اليوم فنأتي اليكم بشعار جديد وطير جديد، شعار السلام وطير المحبة والتواصل آملین كما في كل عام أن تكون الأيام القادمة حاملة خيراً وسلاماً وطمأنينة
Last year was the year of the phoenix. It was our first meeting after three long years of COVID induced academic and economic recession.
The phoenix rose but the ashes are still on our ground. Peace and prosperity are still not established but our hope and optimism are high. This is the year of the dove and like a dove we shall seek peace, stability and salvation. Our society is growing and is seeking your help to grow further.
This year, we have organized regional fertility meetings in the various Lebanese governorates. We are working along with the ministry of Health and the Lebanese Order of Physicians to introduce new guidelines for the practice of In Vitro Fertilization in Lebanon. We are also working on offering accreditations for fertility centers in Lebanon. To succeed, we urge all physicians to embrace and support our efforts. Supporting your society and renewing your membership enables us to thrive and become a strong body that can support and protect its members.
Finally, I wish to thank all those who contributed to LIFE 2023 and I hope the meeting shall be a success as it has always been.
Walid Ghutmi, MD
LFS President
Last year was the year of the phoenix. It was our first meeting after three long years of COVID induced academic and economic recession.
The phoenix rose but the ashes are still on our ground. Peace and prosperity are still not established but our hope and optimism are high. This is the year of the dove and like a dove we shall seek peace, stability and salvation. Our society is growing and is seeking your help to grow further.
This year, we have organized regional fertility meetings in the various Lebanese governorates. We are working along with the ministry of Health and the Lebanese Order of Physicians to introduce new guidelines for the practice of In Vitro Fertilization in Lebanon. We are also working on offering accreditations for fertility centers in Lebanon. To succeed, we urge all physicians to embrace and support our efforts. Supporting your society and renewing your membership enables us to thrive and become a strong body that can support and protect its members.
Finally, I wish to thank all those who contributed to LIFE 2023 and I hope the meeting shall be a success as it has always been.
Walid Ghutmi, MD
LFS President